Oregon House Republican Caucus Leadership Announcements

SALEM, Ore. – Today Oregon House Republican Leader Vikki Breese-Iverson (RPrineville) announced the following Assistant Leader positions in the House Republican Caucus to serve alongside Deputy House Republican Leader Kim Wallan (R-Medford) and House Republican Whip Lily Morgan (R-Grants Pass).

Representative Shelly Boshart Davis (R-Albany)
Representative Rick Lewis (R-Silverton)
Representative Mark Owens (R-Crane)
Representative David Brock Smith (R-Port Orford)
Representative Greg Smith (R-Heppner)
Representative Duane Stark (R-Grants Pass)

“I look forward to the work we will achieve together on behalf of all Oregonians to restore balance in the Legislature and fight for the voices of those who feel unheard,” said Leader Breese-Iverson.

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