House Republican Caucus Celebrates School Choice Week

SALEM, OR – Today, the House Republican Caucus issued the following statement in support of School Choice Week. National School Choice Week runs from January 22 through January 28, highlighting the importance of giving parents a choice and students the best opportunity at a high-quality education.

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, Oregon’s students with disabilities have faced major setbacks and have struggled to access vital resources. Despite record funding for our public education system, Oregon’s high school graduation rate remains one of the worst in the nation.

“Our students are struggling to meet the basic standards for reading, writing, and arithmetic. Doing what is best for our students should be the priority. That is why the House Republican Caucus has proposed legislation relating to school choice for the 2023 Legislative Session, focusing on removing limits on charter school enrollments and ensuring that our state dollars actually follow the student,” said House Republican Leader Breese-Iverson (R-Prineville).

“As a former educator and administrator with over 30 years of experience, I understand firsthand that a one size fits all approach to education does not work. Our students are facing serious setbacks as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and we need to provide parents with every resource possible to do what is best for their child. Every student learns differently,” said Representative Wright (R-Reedsport), Vice Chair for the House Committee on Education.

Three of the House Republican Caucus’ proposed bills relating to school choice, include: HB 2557, HB 2681, and HB 2730.

Click here for more information on National School Choice Week.

Click here for more information on School Choice Options in Oregon.

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