Greg Walden Statement on More Funding for Oregon Health Care Providers, Hospitals

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Representative Greg Walden announced that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will award over $40 billion to health care providers and hospitals across the country. The funding comes as a result of HHS distributing over $40 billion of the $100 billion that the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act designated for provider relief. In addition to this funding, HHS has already distributed $30 billion nationwide, including $291 million to Oregon. 

“I thank Secretary Azar and his team for continuing to work with me to provide relief payments to Oregon healthcare providers. This additional funding will help them provide the care necessary as Oregon responds to the coronavirus and will true-up the funding for those that have large Medicaid and Medicare Advantage patient populations and serve rural communities. I am confident that this additional relief, paired with the Administration’s relaxing of restrictions on elective procedures in certain areas, will help ease the burden many providers in the Second District have told me they are facing. While this is not the first relief funding headed to Oregon, it is also not the last. I will continue to work with Secretary Azar to ensure that Oregon receives the support necessary to protect Oregonians, combat this  deadly virus, and get our communities up and operating,” said Walden.  

This wave of funding targets providers with large Medicaid and Medicare Advantage patient populations, rural communities, and hot spots. The funding will deliver $10 billion for rural providers based on operating expenses and includes unique solutions for sole Medicaid providers and dentists.

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