Governor’s Environmental Quality Commission places partisan and unrealistic emission mandates on Oregonians

SALEM, Ore. – Oregon House Republican Leader Vikki Breese-Iverson (R-Prineville) released the following statement in response to new regulations passed by the Oregon Environmental Quality Commission that passes an aggressive version of cap-and-trade from the Governor’s office. Critical public comments point to the lack of cost controls that will drastically raise prices for Oregonians.

“This executive action is another example of how out of touch Governor Brown is with Oregonians,” said Leader Breese-Iverson. “People want more inclusive and collaborative responses to issues. Instead, the Governor is forcing people to pay higher prices to compensate for global emissions originating outside of our state. This approach is no
different than a partisan proposal we saw in the Legislature, ignoring serious concerns to push an expensive and political climate plan on the state. Oregonians would be better served with a balanced approach benefiting everyone.”

A report from the Department of Environmental Quality acknowledged that this plan could increase fuel prices and the cost of goods while pushing businesses out of state.

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